Dog Left On Side of Highway

A Good Samaritan noticed several stray dogs on a highway outside of Campbell, Missouri. When she pulled over to investigate, all of the dogs ran away except for one small dog lying in the grass unable to move. It was apparent that he had been struck by a vehicle and was in incredible pain. She contacted her friend, who helps network homeless animals to get them into rescues, and they took the dog to a local veterinarian. 

Later that day an urgent message came to Wright-Way Rescue explaining that the dog could only be held at the veterinary clinic for 24 hours before the unfortunate decision to euthanize him would have to be made. The veterinarian had determined that the puppy is only 6 months old and has a severely broken leg that requires extensive orthopedic surgery. The cost of this surgery was far beyond the means of his rescuers and they began the desperate search for a licensed rescue with the ability to save him. The clinic provided him with pain medication to keep him comfortable while they waited for an offer of help.

At the same time that pleas to rescues were going out, the networker and rescuer went door to door and sent out hundreds of “found dog” messages everywhere they knew of in an attempt to find the pup’s owner. Unfortunately, all of these went unanswered. 

Once we saw Captain’s face, we couldn't help but say YES! It was just in the nick of time. Surgeries like Captain’s are not possible without YOUR HELP.

Please DONATE to help us fund Captain’s life saving surgery. This adorable, 26 lb pup has his entire life ahead of him, and we know that with your help, it will be a great one! 

Christy Anderson