In the midst of record setting temperatures in Misissippi, these puppies were abandoned overnight. For TWELVE HOURS these puppies (minus one who managed to escape) waited for help to arrive. They could barely move and had been left with no water. When they were found, they were dehydrated and frightened. It’s a miracle these puppies did not succumb to the heat and lack of water before workers arrived for their morning shift. 

Please help us show these puppies that MORE IS POSSIBLE. Our shelter is full and our resources are strained, but these puppies desperately needed something good to happen for them. Help us show them that our belief that MORE IS POSSIBLE for homeless animals is true for them and they will never be left alone, hot, or thirsty again. 

They are on their way to our shelter now and will require immediate medical care. Authorities are trying to find who did this to these puppies to hold them responsible. Please donate to help us save them by DONATING TODAY.

Christy Anderson