Wright-Way Rescue received an urgent plea from Centralia Animal Control, a small facility in rural Southern Illinois. They had a senior Bloodhound named Piper at risk of euthanasia. Her previous home had allowed her to run loose so many times that animal control decided, for her safety, she could no longer go back to her owners. The odds were stacked against this mild-mannered hound. She was a senior dog quickly running out of time. To complicate matters, she needed surgery to correct eye entropion in both of her eyes and remove a growth on her eyelid. These procedures were completely outside the means of the animal control facility.

When we heard about Piper’s desperate situation, we knew we had to act quickly. A volunteer arranged for her transport to Wright-Way Rescue. When she arrived she received her standard medical care and, within 24 hours, was in an experienced Bloodhound foster home. In 5 days she will undergo surgery to correct the eye entropion that has undoubtedly caused her pain and suffering for several years.

It is thanks to our donors that dogs like Piper are able to find safety and healing at Wright-Way Rescue. Senior dogs with medical conditions require resources that few animal control facilities can provide. But their lives matter! Piper is a great dog with years of companionship to give to an adoptive family. We are thrilled to report that she has a reservation for adoption after her medical care is complete.

Maureen Venegas