A momma dog named Josie and her six young puppies arrived at Wright-Way Rescue just a few hours ago. She was recently involved in a horrific tractor accident that tore her left rear leg off just above the knee. Despite the incredible pain she is in, momma has continued to lovingly care for her six week old puppies. Josie’s owners were unable to afford medical care for her so they surrendered her and her puppies to one of our local rescue partners who brought them all to Wright-Way Rescue.

Josie has been rushed into surgery to amputate the remainder of the injured leg and close the gaping wound. We are waiting to hear the outcome, she is in surgery right now. We are hoping for the very best for Josie. She has been through so much and has been so brave and selfless to continue caring for her puppies through the incredible pain. Josie will be hospitalized following this surgery to recover to receive pain medications and supportive care. Our staff will take care of her puppies, giving her some much needed rest. Even with the short time she had with us before surgery, Josie was sweet and affectionate to everyone trying to help her.

Your support matters for dogs like Josie and her puppies. Please help us fund Josie’s surgery and medical care.

Maureen Venegas