Pumpkin: From Rags to Riches

Pumpkin is a true “Rags to Riches” pup with a fairy tale ending. He was being given away for free on FaceBook in southernmost Illinois. After asking if Wright-Way could take him in, one of our supporters made the trip to get him. At the end of a long driveway, she found a dilapidated, old farmhouse with trash piled all around it and the nearby barn. There were several dogs in a muddy pen attached to the barn with no protection from the elements. Pumpkin had been pulled out, the man holding him picked him up, and tossed him into the crate in the back of her vehicle.

Once in our care, Pumpkin received a bath and all of his medical needs were taken care of. Victoria Zlock at Vroom Vroom Groom donated the grooming and turned him from a “pauper” to a “prince”.

Your support On Giving Tuesday allows us to continue helping unwanted, neglected animals like Pumpkin all year round.

Maureen Venegas