Nina has made it through surgery and is stable!


Nina has made it through surgery and is stable! We are so incredibly happy to share this news with you all!!

She will stay at the hospital for the next 24 - 48 hours to receive round-the-clock care and IV fluids before she returns to our vet clinic to continue her recovery.

The surgeon was able to successfully remove the large mass, as well as the other two smaller tumors. Tissue samples from the tumors have been sent for biopsy, and those lab results will help us determine in part to what degree Nina’s poor health was being caused by an underlying condition versus the stress of carrying such an enormous mass. During the procedure, it was discovered that Nina was also suffering from mastitis, an inflammation of the mammary tissue.

As we have stressed before, she is nowhere near out of the woods. The surgeon has warned us that cases involving tumors of this scale do have a slightly higher mortality rate, even after a successful surgery. We are hopeful, however, that everything we did in preparation for the procedure has set her up for success. No one deserves a full recovery and a new life more than her.

We have been in communication with the clinic staff throughout the afternoon and evening, and we know that Nina is resting well. All her vitals indicate that she is taking the first steps toward healing.

Thank you all for your support, your thoughts and prayers, your knocks on wood and crossed fingers. We cannot express how inspiring it is to save lives with you! Thank you for making so much more possible for Nina and for other precious lives.

You really are the best.

Jacoby Andrick