Fun Facts about Cats

  • Cats’ ears are incredibly sensitive. They are able to detect sounds as high as 65 kilohertz, an ability that may be even greater than that of a dog and definitely a human. Plus, a cat’s ears are always alert, even when he’s sleeping. 
  • Impressed by cats’ incredible sense of balance? Well, they actually have an organ called the vestibular apparatus within each ear, and it works with the eye to give them that superb balancing ability. 
  • No potty-training needed? That’s right! Cats do not need to be litter-box trained. It is a natural habit continued from their wild cat ancestors.
  • Cleanliness is next to godliness for a cat. They spend more than one-third of their waking hours grooming!
  • Cats can snooze up to 18 hours a day, typically in brief spurts. And, they do have dreams—some twitching, making noise, or swishing their tails while asleep. 
  • A kneading cat is the epitome of contentment. The behavior develops at birth and, in most cases, continues throughout a cat’s life, particularly during times of relaxation and happiness. 
  • People love the sound of a cat’s purr. It originates in a cat’s brain and is caused by vibrating muscles surrounding the larynx. The purr is one of the first sounds that a newborn kitten makes.